Make your Octopus skimmer more efficient with our Automatic Neck Cleaner (ANC)
Octopus motorized (ANC) Automated Neck Cleaner helps keeps your octopus protein skimmer running at peak performance by periodically wiping the inside of the neck where all the bio-organics usually would accumulate. This great skimmer accessory not only keeps you skimmer running at peak efficiency but save the timely chore of keeping your skimmers neck clean. As you know, build up in the neck causes foam to stick to the sides and restricting the collection of skimmate within the skimmers cup.
Dual Blade Auto Neck Cleaning Device
Keeping the neck wall clean results in consistent skimmer performance and little to no down time. This device uses twin squeegees to automatically remove the buildup from a skimmer neck. The SRO (ANC) consists of a high torque low RPM motor, wiper mount, lid with mounting clamps and the squeegees.
To operate this easy to you device, you simply plug the unit into a timer (not included) or aquarium controller and set it to run for a few minutes 4 to 6 times per day. By running it this way you will never experience crud build up along the walls of you skimmers neck. This will eliminate the daily chore of cleaning for two or more weeks while maintaining the level of skimmate production that you would normally get with only a freshly-washed collection cup.
This unit will increase the height of your skimmer by approximately 4.75“ with all models except the CL110 which adds an additional 4″.
Our Octopus ANC does not require you to send in or modify your stock lid in any way because our ANC is built into the lid for precise control.
*NOT intended to be used with ozone
Octopus Cleaner 110 fits: SRO-1000INT, XP-1000INT, XP-1000EXT, NWB-110, DNW-110, Classic 110(int-ext)
Octopus Cleaner 150 fits: SRO-2000INT, NWB-150, DNWB-150, Classic 150(int-ext), DCS150int, POV1, Prime 150int
Octopus Cleaner XP1000 fits: XP-1000sss
Octopus Cleaner 160 fits: DIABLO XS160, Classic 160
Octopus Cleaner 170 fits: XP-2000INT, SRO-2000EXT, DIABLO DCS-170INT, Regal 170(INT, SSS, EXT)
Octopus Cleaner 200 fits: SRO3000(int/ext), XP2000(sss/ext), NWB/DNWB200, Classic 200(int-ext), XS200, XS225, EXT200, DCS-2000(int/ext), POV2, Prime 200int, Elite 200int/sss, Regal 200(INT, SSS, EXT)
Octopus Cleaner 220 fits: XP3000int, XP3000ext, XP3000sss, SRO3000sss, POV3, Elite 220int/sss
Octopus Cleaner 250 fits: SRO5000(int/ext/sss), NWB/DNWB250, XP5000(int/ext/sss), XS250, EXT250 , EXT300, EXT350, DCS 250, DCSR 250ext, Regal 250(INT, SSS, EXT)
Octopus Cleaner 300 fits: SRO6000ext, SRO6000sss, TDNW300, CAT3, XS350, DCS 300, DCSR 300ext, Regal 300(INT, SSS, EXT)
Octopus Cleaner XP8000 fits: XP8000(int/ext)
NOTE: We can have The Octopus Neck Cleaners Made for Most of our Skimmers. If your skimmer is not listed and would wish to own one, please contact us with your skimmer information and we will have one made. Thank you.